Zuvius Lifesciences web sites may deposit certain bits of information called “cookies” in a visitor’s computer. Cookies are sent back only to the web site that deposited them when a visitor returns to that site. Cookies can tell us how and when pages in a website are visited and by how many people. This technology does not collect personal identifiable information; the information collected is in an aggregate, non-identifiable form. With the information we can learn through this technology, we hope to improve our sites. Any Images used by ourself on the site or used by anyone others will be strictly educational purpose only and it should not have any commercial value.
In addition, we gather information about you that is automatically collected by our Web servers, such as your IP address and domain name. Zuvius Lifesciences may use this information to customize its offerings and presentations.
Some of our business Zuvius Lifesciences partners may use cookies on our site (for example, links to business Zuvius Lifesciences partners). We do not want our business Zuvius Lifesciences partners to use cookies to track our customer’s activities once they leave our sites. However, we may not have total control over how our business Zuvius Lifesciences partners may use cookies on our web site.
Zuvius Lifesciences collects personally identifiable information, such as names, addresses, E-mail addresses and the like, only when voluntarily provided by a web site visitor. We will notify you as to the uses we intend to make of that information.
Zuvius Lifesciences does not knowingly collect information about children.