Survivor Stories

It’s ok to be scared, but its important to know that you can get through; not once, not twice, but as many times as cancer stares at you!

Survive With Zuvius Lifesciences

For all the things cancer takes away, it also endows something extraordinary. It bestows a new perspective, brings a new meaning to your being. It gives you the opportunity and the courage to live life at the moment!

Survivor Hero: 2) Mrs. Sandhya Joglekar

Watch out Mrs. Sandhya Joglekar, and her experience as shared with Zuvius Lifescience live

Salute to the True Fighters

An initiative by Zuvius Life Sciences in association with YouWeCan (Yuvraj Singh’s Cancer Foundation) bringing the stories of brave hearts and fighters who fought cancer and survived.

Survivor Hero: 1) Mrs. Chaya Kale

Watch out Mrs. Chaya Kale, and her experience as shared with Zuvius Lifescience live