A Candid Tale Of Colorectal Cancer

That day, the sun was shining bright. The sky was absolutely clear. The scorching heat compelled the leaves to fall off dry as a bone. There was no drop of rain. No question of fain. But indeed a lot of pain. He couldn’t bear the summer anymore. His wife was confused too. His physical agony had to be diagnosed. It had been just 20 days of their marriage. His health problems were taking twists and turns and then his family doctor advised him to approach a surgeon.

Dr. Mukund Thakur was busy as always, like the bee. It was noon, his OPD time of the day. A young fellow, around 27 years of age, approached him. He explained his daily issues and Dr. Thakur was listening patiently. After the complete diagnosis, it was understood that he was suffering from Colorectal Cancer. The newly married couple was in a state of sheer shock. The lady was worried to the core hearing the word ‘Cancer’. It was an early stage Colorectal Cancer and could be cured absolutely. It was a tough task to make them understand that his rectum needs to be removed completely and replaced by an abdominal wall opening for the excretion process. That was the only possible curable modus operandi. Convincing them took a lot of time. But in due course, they finally agreed for his operation understanding its seriousness and necessity.

Also read: In Conversation With Dr. Harish Kulkarni: The Odyssey Of Pioneering Cancer Treatment In Central India

He had to go through a financial crunch. He was a driver by profession who ran away from home to marry his beloved. There was no question of family support from both the parties as they were against their wedlock. They somehow managed to collect some funds for the operation. Dr. Thakur took care of the rest. He was operated and his rectal portion was entirely removed using Laparoscopic treatment and techniques. An alternative method of abdominal wall opening was introduced in his body. His control mechanism was lost in this process. He had an external bag along for the nature’s calls. The wall openings facilitated normal motions. There was no visible external scar and no odour concerns.

After four days in the hospital, he was fit and fine. But his post operation anxiety started taking a new shape. He was flummoxed if he could resume his job or not. Because that was the only source of income for the newlyweds. As it was an early stage, he could resume his work just after two visits. The couple was thankful to the doctor and started living their life with a new ardour. He didn’t face any grave issues with after his surgery. He now works from nine to nine without any physical constraints. Dr. Thakur was glad about his successful surgery too. 

Nagpur experienced petrichor on a Sunday evening. The pleasant drizzle mizzle had conquered the winds. The daisies and lilies lived through a new high. The backstreet boys were jumping in puddles and Dr. Thakur, with a cup of coffee, was enjoying the beauty of rain. There was a tall, dark man at the door who opened a box of sweets for him. It was surprising. Doctor couldn’t really recognise him. It had been a year and a half. Or probably more. His eyes were filled to the brim and he couldn’t really express. He thanked Dr. Thakur for blessing him with the cancer cure and with the surreal feel of being a father!

It was a moment of contentment to the zenith. Dr. Thakur’s heart couldn’t really hold the tear of joy too!

To know more: Early Detection, Diagnosis, And Staging

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