Oral Cancer
The uncontrolled growth of mutated cells in the oral region is called Oral Cancer.
Read moreThe uncontrolled growth of mutated cells in the oral region is called Oral Cancer.
Read moreThe ovary is a ductless reproductive gland about the shape and size of an almond in which the female reproductive cells are produced.Ovarian cancer
Read moreThe lungs are a pair of large, spongy, air-filled respiratory organs located on either side of the chest (thorax). Lung Cancer
Read moreWatch out Mrs. Sandhya Joglekar, and her experience as shared with Zuvius Lifescience live
Read moreWatch out Mrs. Chaya Kale, and her experience as shared with Zuvius Lifescience live
Read moreThe Bile Ducts are a series of thin tubes that collect bile from the liver and gall bladder and pass it to the small intestine.
Read moreZuvius: What were the circumstances that made you decide to go for a check-up? Varshaa: My mom is a cancer survivor herself and when she had been detected with breast cancer; her surgeon had warned that some women tend to have the genetic tendency to pass it on to their daughters so as her daughter I too
Read moreZuvius: Did you make any new friends during your Cancer treatment? Can you talk about anyone special? Varshaa: A couple of special mentions, firstly a 65 year old lady who had visited my hospital room and had shared her story about being operated twice for her ovarian cancer and her gruelling post operation treatment that didn’t
Read moreIt takes immense strength and willpower for people to accept or even tolerate physical pain or infirmity and get back to their aims and goals, after a disease or an accident has stopped them in their tracks. The motto of turning a weakness into strength is the guiding principle of this remarkable man’s life. Inspired
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