

Welcome to Zuvius Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.

Zuvius Lifesciences headquartered in Mumbai, India is an integrated research based pharmaceutical company focused on super specialty products. The company specializes in chemotherapeutic formulation offering a diverse array of innovative solutions and therapies, each of which plays an important role in providing solace and comfort to people. Established in 2005 Zuvius Lifesciences, is a ISO 9001:2015 certified pharmaceutical company, with dedicated EU-GMP, and WHO-GMP oncology manufacturing sites.

Zuvius Lifesciences is dedicated to supplying high-quality, innovative healthcare solutions. With a strong commitment to excellence, we have achieved several certifications of very high significance that illustrate our unequivocal and tireless dedication to quality assurance and regulatory compliance.

WHO GMP (World Health Organization Good Manufacturing Practice), EU GMP (European Union Good Manufacturing Practice), and ISO 9001:2015 are three vital certifications that we have acquired. These certifications serve as a testament to our adherence to global quality standards and our commitment to delivering safe and effective pharmaceutical products.

1. EU GMP:

Zuvius Lifesciences is a dedicated EU GMP certified plant for the manufacturing of anticancer products. The European Union has stringent regulations in place to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. EU GMP certification enables us to market our products in European countries. This certification is highly valued as it demonstrates our compliance with the rigorous quality standards set by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), enabling us to provide our innovative healthcare solutions to patients across Europe and other continents. EU GMP sets the benchmark for pharmaceutical manufacturing practices, ensuring that our products are produced consistently and meet the highest quality standards. It encompasses various aspects of manufacturing, including raw material sourcing, manufacturing processes, quality control, and storage. The EU GMP certification demonstrates our commitment to producing safe, reliable, and effective medicines for patients worldwide.


Zuvius Lifesciences has dedicated WHO GMP certified plant for the manufacturing of anticancer drugs. This certification is issued by the World Health Organization, a specialized agency, responsible for international public health. WHO GMP sets the benchmark for pharmaceutical manufacturing practices, ensuring that our products are produced consistently and meet the highest quality standards. It encompasses various aspects of manufacturing, including raw material sourcing, manufacturing processes, quality control, and storage. The WHO GMP certification demonstrates our commitment to producing safe, reliable, and effective medicines for patients worldwide.

3. ISO 9001:2015:

ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems. Zuvius Lifesciences has obtained this certification, which reflects our commitment to meeting and exceeding customer expectations. ISO 9001:2015 sets out criteria for a quality management system, emphasizing a process-oriented approach and continuous improvement. This certification validates Zuvius Lifesciences’ dedication to quality control, risk management, customer satisfaction, and a robust quality management framework. It ensures that Zuvius Lifesciences follows as per the SOPs of ISO 9001:2015. We monitor, review and maintain the records for accounts sales, purchases, customer feedbacks, complaints, etc. through the digital systems and softwares. We conduct regular trainings and refreshers to our staff 

At Zuvius Lifesciences, we consider these certifications as an integral part of our commitment to excellence, patient safety, adherence to international standards of quality and global regulatory compliance. Our unwavering dedication to quality assurance ensures that our customers receive safe, effective, and reliable pharmaceutical solutions.

Contact us today to experience the benefits of our certified products and discover how we can contribute to improving quality and safety, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.