To start out with dreams shining like stars in one’s eyes and a year later, to be staring into the face of a gaping financial abyss… many a startup story has traveled this tortuous path. What makes the achievers stand apart is the resolve to keep believing in the dream and to do whatever it takes to achieve it. That sums up the story of Zuvius Lifesciences, started by Nimish Thakkar, Alka Chavan, and Shailesh Shetty in Mumbai in 2005. The period from 2006 to 2008 was a particularly debilitating time for the pharmaceutical company, which had set its sights on creating high-quality oncology products through meticulous research. But even while staring at a potential loss of crores of rupees, the team showed amazing grit and fortitude and fought for their dreams. And the saga has come to this today: having started out with just one product in its first year, Zuvius now has a portfolio of over 90 products to its credit. In its bid to introduce novel products across segments other than oncology, Zuvius’ current focus lies in nutraceuticals. Be it research and development or CSR activities, with each step it takes, Zuvius is working towards creating a community filled with the golden glow of wellness.
Blaze of Brilliance